Frequently Misused/Misspelled Words and Phrases on sale for only $0.99/£0.99 for a limited time!
AMAZON COUNTDOWN SPECIAL Here’s your chance get this 5-star rated self-help book for writers of all skill levels for only $0.99 USD /...
Aliens Versus Zombies on sale for $0.99/£0.99 through 29 Jan. 2015
Aliens Versus Zombies is available on Amazon in 13 countries: Reviews: “Zombies and Aliens [were]...
Amazon Countdown Special! $0.99/£0.99
Only $0.99/£0.99 until 3 AM (EDT) October 23. Excerpt #2 of my *4.3-STAR* sci-fi thriller, THE MARS IMPERATIVE: Just as Dr. Shallitt...
2 more reviews posted
I just posted two more 5-star reviews for Aliens Versus Zombies. Of the 12 reviews received so far, 10 are 5-star, along with a 4-star...
First-Ever Sale on Aliens Versus Zombies!
COUNTDOWN SALE on Amazon Until 3 pm (EDT) August 28, you can get this highly rated sci-fi/zombie thriller for only $0.99. (That's 67%...
Get The Mars Imperative for only $.099 until 3 am (EDT) August 9
COUNTDOWN SPECIAL Here’s your chance get this 4.3-star rated sci-fi thriller for a mere $0.99 USD on Mars is like a frontier...