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The Mars Imperative - Reviews

The Mars Imperative is receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers:

  • “Check it out!! I really enjoyed this book and I found the characters interesting. Once I started I couldn't put it down. If you like good hard Sci Fi you will enjoy it also!”—David Ridgway

  • “Down to earth sci fi set on Mars,,, does that make sense?? Well written, very plausible future, with a great mix of "nearly there, almost real" tech, and good old fashioned adventure win the girl at the end!! Good job!”—Terry (Amazon Australia)

  • “I enjoyed the book very much. It was a fast paced book that was also an enjoyable read. I enjoy sci-fi that doesn't talk down to me, that is explained in such a way that I feel like I'm always in the loop as I’m reading! Mr. Chapman is going to be a voice to be heard in this genre!”—Erin Gordon "Erin"

  • “I really liked the fact that the characters are so life-like: young people entering the work world full of excitement, nervousness, embarrassment, guilt, etc. Lots of real normal emotions. … The presentation of technical scientific jargon and issues was done simply and did not detract in any way from the story. Plot lines were wrapped up and nicely concluded. I recommend this book as a fun, action packed read!”—MSEreads

  • “A MUST READ...grab a drink, a cozy chair, and be prepared to travel to Mars - I promise you'll enjoy the ride!”—Penny Saunders

  • “This book is fun and exciting with plenty of adventure. There are tense moments that make you wary of the fate of the people involved. It's a page turner that may keep you up all night.”—Ina Yerkes

  • “This was quite believable with some interesting situations. I plan to read the next volume immediately. I can recommend this book to any sci-fi reader.”—DonM Eng

  • “The Mars Imperative is a great adventure. ... Mark mixed some nice intrigue, drama, and romance along with a touch of Hollywood fame. Well done! I'm proud to have an autographed copy of this wonderful book.”—Eleanor S Thurman “S Thurman”

  • “A good read, and the start of a good series! The Mars Imperative is a great jumping off point to start this exciting new series, and it's sequel is even better. If you like upbeat, optimistic science fiction/space opera, this series is definitely one to check out!”---Michael Kal-El

  • “I liked The Mars Imperative very much, but then I have a degree in geology, so I was favorably disposed toward the book! We geo-geeks are always thrilled when our fascination intersects with public popularity. Happily for the non geo-geeks, what I liked best about the book had nothing to do with geology. I really enjoyed the science and engineering aspects regarding space elevators. After having read so much about them in other SciFi novels, I always intended to educate myself about the science and engineering that must be involved, but never did. I'm taking TMI as my primer into space elevator technology. What I liked best about the book was the dialogue. MTC wrote great, both internal dialogue and conversational dialogue. Through his dialogue he developed several strong characters which I look forward to following into his next books. The plot was strong and like all good SciFi, believably takes today's issues and projects them into space. And perhaps best of all, it had its funny parts, lots of them actually, which just made it all the much more fun to read. Good humor must be extremely difficult to write because I so rarely see it, especially in SciFi.”—S Burns “GeoGodess”

  • “The characters seem alive and three-dimensional from the very beginning … The author doesn't disappoint when it comes to the science, either. … a thrilling adventure into the not-so-distant future. … easy to read … will keep the reader enthralled to the very end.”—Michael Southard, editor of Tower of Light fantasy magazine

  • “Good flow to the book, very interesting take on space travel and industry. Overall I liked the sense of adventure I got from the read. …I really like the realism of the science in these books.”—David j deraimo

  • “A fast moving story that you just can't put down once you start reading. It holds your imagination to a point that before you know it you[‘re] at the end which seems to come to[o] soon. ... Great story.”—NJacques

  • “Mark’s easy writing style makes [the] characters come alive. … I highly recommend.”—Chris Bartholomew, editor of Static Movement magazine

  • “[G]ood exciting stuff with likable characters … If you like Robinson, Heinlein and hard SF, you'll probably like The Mars Imperative.”—Wenonah Lyon for

  • “Hardcore. FIVE stars for this book. Well written with characters well developed not a space opera with fantastic super heroes. A good read with normal people. Very enjoyable I recommend to [an avid] reader.”—Amazon Customerhardcore sick

  • “Great first book sir. Definitely worth reading! Plenty of action and I could see the characters filling their roles.’”—Bruce Slaven

  • “[V]ery enjoyable … kept me turning back the corners for page after page.”—Cicily Janus, associate editor of Bust Down the Doors and Eat All the Chickens magazine

  • “[N]ot only wonderfully written, but the story is truly excellent. Even more amazing is how the author handles the science.”—Rick Taubold, author of More than Magick

  • “I really loved one phrase early in the book and just have to share it: “This was the final straw, the ultimate thread in a richly-woven tapestry of frustration.” Now doesn't that just shout frustration of a 23 year old? It did for me - I just really liked that!”—Martha


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